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Wnt and the microbiome

The gut microbiome is fundamental to human health and development. Accumulating evidence point to the irrefutable connection between CRC, Wnt signaling and the gut microbiome. Indeed, CRC development and patient's response to therapy are highly heterogeneous and are affected by various factors including the patient genetic background, epigenetics and the microbiome population.

We are studying the effects of specific gut bacteria on Wnt signaling and in an attempt to elucidate the molecular mechanisms underlying these effects.


Contact Us

Prof. Rina Rosin-Arbesfeld

Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv 69978, Israel

Office: Faculty of Medical & Health Sciences, 711

Lab: Faculty of Medical & Health Sciences, 710

Phone: +972-3-640-8570


30 Haim Levanon st., Ramat Aviv

Tel Aviv 69978

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